People in Poms - Show Years 1859 -1896
Information researched and recorded by Vivienne Peterson Copyright March 2013
Photographs of early breeders available on separate page - click this link or go to Nav bar to view it
With some memorable exceptions nearly all 342 early breed enthusiasts, and their dogs, in this directory have been entirely forgotten. The contribution of some of those who are remembered is often overstated. Hopefully this list and supplementary information will correct some myths and clarify many aspects of breed development.
But first a little background information and a few myth-busters …
All five sizes of German Spitz (as per FCI definition) plus the Volpino Italiano were classified as Pomeranian dogs in Britain until about 1915 – hence the need for weight division at shows. Eventually colour classes were added. Show Poms of this era consisted of dogs descended from imports -1760 onwards -plus newly imported dogs.
Contrary to information on some web sites and books Queen Victoria was not the first person to show or ‘down-size’ a Pomeranian. At least 170 people in Britain preceded her according to known show records of breeders and/or exhibitors prior to 1888. Some like her popular son ‘Bertie’ (future King Edward VII) already owned small Spitz dogs (Poms), bred in Germany, before the Queen was interested in the breed - she acquired her foundation dogs in Florence, Italy (Volpino Italiano).
Note - Small black, brown, blue and grey Spitz dogs were a speciality of breeders in the Mannheim area of Germany in the 1870’s - (classes provided for under 10lb Poms at British dog shows by 1886). These dogs (25 - 30cm – but some smaller) were very carefully developed (while also improving temperament) in Germany from pre-existing small Spitz dogs averaging 30- 35cms.* A typical Volpino Italiano has averaged 25 – 30cms in height for at least 2000 years – see page on this web site regarding their breed history. Could this explain why Poms sometimes have a tendency to revert back to the 25 -35cm size – comparable to a Klein or Mittelspitz or Volpino?
There is no significance in Pom history concerning the date 1870!
So many breed books, articles and web sites incorrectly state either the Pomeranian was first recognised by the KC in 1870 or in this year it was first known in England. The Kennel Club was founded in 1873 – it’s on the KC logo – and Pomeranians (by that name not Spitz Dog) were one of 40 breeds ‘recognised’ by the KC in 1873. British owned Pomeranians appear in literature and newspapers as of 1760. Additionally there are detailed records of Pomeranians exhibited at pre- KC dog shows as of 1863.
Unregistered dogs could be KC registered at any time. Many early show dogs had no known breeder or pedigree. The records of some pre-KC shows 1859-1873 were recorded in the KC’s first Stud Book 1874 however non KC regulated shows after 1873 were not recorded.
The establishment of The Pomeranian Club in 1891 & Ladies Kennel Association in 1894 is significant as both clubs encouraged women to attend dog shows – the Pom Club & LKA were officially registered by the KC August 7th 1894.
The modern spelling of Crufts (after 1945) is used in this directory rather than Cruft’s as it was called in this era.
Please note - this directory only states the debut appearance of people - most continued showing for many years and bred a lot more dogs than are mentioned here.
Note: Br = breeder Exh = exhibitor
1859- 1887
Albert Edward ‘Bertie’ Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) and family –Br – Sandringham Kennel
The King’s interest in the breed pre-dates his mother’s by several years. By 1885 he had acquired a ‘fine looking’ Spitz in Germany, called Tottie, and in 1889 she was bred to the Hon. Mrs North’s dog Uncas producing two small black puppies Tiny and Tim. Tottie and Uncas’s next litter produced a very small reddish brown dog - he died young. Tottie was black with white on her paws and ‘shirt front’. Around 1891 he brought back from Bad Homburg Germany a small black (4lb) dog called Blackie. His daughter Princess Victoria claimed him as her own and later acquired a black puppy bred by Mary Drew the daughter of Prime Minister Gladstone. Mrs Drew’s German bred black bitch Fussy was the dam and the sire was Mr Gladstone’s black dog Petz the Great – imported from Bad Schwalbach in Germany. Although there is no record any of their Poms were exhibited many other breeds of dogs from the Sandringham kennel were often seen at dog shows. ‘Bertie’ was Patron of the Kennel Club as of its foundation in 1873. HRH Queen Elizabeth II now owns the 'Sandringham' kennel name.
Acfield Mr A. - Surbiton Hill, Surrey (1887) Exh Rex by Fritz x Greta
Ainsworth Mr A. E. – Buxton Derbyshire – Exh white dog Snowball until 1883
Austin Mr W. – Ellern Road Totteridge London - (1876) Exh of Topsy
Bailey Captain - (1869) Br. Prince by unknown sire x Snowball
Bamber Mr J.C. – Fishgate, Preston - (1875) Exh of Nero
Bandaro Mr – (1866) Exh of Charlie
Banham Mrs G. – Peckham Rye Surrey - (1865) Exh of Floss
Bardle Mr –Liverpool - (1865) Br of Nelly
Barnes Mr H. - Dorchester – Exh of Mike in 1863
Barrett Miss – Heighton House Darlington - (1877) Exh of Fox born 1872
Beard Mr R.J. – Clerkenwell Close London – Br/Exh – owner of Mr Morgan’s Flo II born 1886 - exhibited her litter of 3 sired by Charley of Leicester (born 1891) at Crufts 1892.
Beckman Mr – owner of Snowball sold to Mr Ainsworth by 1883
Bell Miss M J – Br. Fritz III (Piaffe) a black dog born 1881 dam Freda imported
Beresford Mr J – Breeder of Don born 1869
Betts Mr F. – Arlington Road Tulse Hill Brixton - (1879) Br/Exh Purchased black dog Morle born 1879 from Mr Wagner he was sold on to Mr D.P. Thomas by ’83 – Br. Of Niminy Piminy (Nubian Prince x Tips) ’92 – litter sister Little Gretchen owned by Mr Harris.
Bligh Lady Isobel – Farthewell Hall West Malling Kent – Br/Exh Sambo born 1878 by Lady Neville’s Albert out of Topsy
Bloor Mr – Br. Pre-1871 Floss by Kennerley’s Floss x Rose
Boddington Mr S - Metchley, Edgebaston - Owner of Bounce a black dog born 1884. In 1887 he bought and exhibited Mr Fawdrey’s famous 11 year old dog Charlie.
Booth Mr L – Vicar’s Cross Chester - (1880) Exh of imported black dog called Black Fritz but shown as Fritz in 1880.
Brady Mr T – Jarrow Hill Jarrow on Tyne - (1879) Exh of Snow
Brown Mr – Br. (pre 1864) Topsy by Mr Eaton’s Fox x Nell
Brown Mrs R. – Owner of Mr Scott’s Don II (1873) sold to Mr Hookham
Burger Mr C – Stuttgart Germany- Br of Noir (1884) by Sholic x Spitzere sold to Mr George
Burgess Mr C – The Grange Spilsby Lincs - (1879) Exh of Prince Charlie sold to Mr D Thomas of S Wales by 1880.
Buss Mr E – E. Fairleigh Maidstone - (1870) Br/Exh of Snow
Cadogan The Hon. Mrs – Cassiobury Road Fulham - (1885) Exh of Dinah
Carling Mr J – High St. Birmingham - (1868) Exh of Carlo
Caster Mr J – Pre- 1889 owner of Rob sold to Mr Hutton then to Miss Hamilton. Rob became the first Pom champion & sire of two other champions.
Castle Mr – Worksop – (1874) Exh and possible breeder of Mrs Monck’s black Pom Brio
Cathie Mr – Stanstead Rd. Forest Hill – Owner of ‘Pom’ born 1870 shown in 1871
Chavasse Mrs H – Erdington Birmingham - (1871) Exh of Floss
Chell Mr W. – Norfolk House, Belper, Derbyshire - Br of Twigge of Frizinghall born in 1888 (Charley – Rose). His daughter was Miss Chell of Belper kennel fame. In 1902 Miss Chell said her father started breeding Poms about 20 years before – 1882.
Cheshire Mr J – Hanbury Burton - (1882) Exh of Fox II
Collins Mr G. R. – Foxlydiate House Bromsgrove – Exh of Fritz shown 1863 & 1864
Colman Mr – Newmarket - Exh of Snow winner at Crystal Palace in 1870
Comforth Mr – (1865) Owner of Seely shown in 1865
Cook Mr W B – Kelso Scotland – Owner of Rufus shown in 1873 and in Edinburgh in 1875 then sold to Mr Steel of Kelso who exhibited Rufus until 1879.
Couldrey Mr (possibly could be J Cawdrey) – (pre-1876) Exh of Frisk sire of white dog Jacko in 1876 refer to Mr Kentish
Crang Mr F – Piddock Mews, Maida Vale – Br/ Exh as of mid- 1880’s – his Nubian Kennel was the home of many famous black Pomeranians.
Cresswell Miss – Lugehay Ho.Teignmouth (pre 1887) - Br/Exh – specialised in white Poms and bred or owned many well- known show winners. One of her foundation girls Miss Suwannee (b1887) uniquely debuts in the 1896 KC Stud Bk as – dead!
Cunningham Mr C W – Kensington Infirmary London - (pre 1885) Exh of black Pom Marloes Don born 1884 imported from Mr Essig in Germany
Cutbill Mrs – Southwood Sydenham - (1870) Exh of Snow shown in 1875
Dalby Mr – Birmingham - (1867) Exh of Topsy handled by Mr Wragge
Dawson Mr – Owner of Smut shown in 1864
Deverall Mr J – Br of Frisky born 1874 owned by Mrs H Fisher. Frisky, a white Pom of about 9lbs featured in Illustrated London News of 1877.
Dickson Colonel LS – Elm Lodge Tunbridge Wells - (1881) Exh of Pan bred by Lieutenant General Hervey and shown in 1884. Pan’s sire was an imported Volpino.
Dutton Hon. Mrs C – Woodland Pl. Bath - Exh of Jacob a black Pom born 1887
Dutton Hon Rev Canon F – Bilbury Fairford - Br/Exh - Imported the white Pom Fritz sire of black Pom Hiyya (aka Hizza) in 1887 – she was the dam of the very influential dog Bayswater Swell and many others. Another one of his important German imports was Schatzel later sold as a foundation bitch for Mrs Thomas’s kennel.
Eaton Mr – Finsbury Sq. London (later Burton on Trent) – Br/Exh his dog Fox was a winner at Islington 1863 and Fox’s daughter Topsy a winner in 1864 and 65. (Topsy’s dam was Mr Brown’s Nell). Topsy’s engraving is in the Illustrated London News in June 1864. She was a small/medium white Pom of Volpino type.
Essig Mr C of Stuttgart Germany – a popular German dog breeder - sold a black dog born 1884 to Mr Cunningham who re-named him Marloes Don - shown in 1885.
Fawdrey Mr James – The Woodlands Sutton Coldfield – (1876) – Owner of Charley born 1876 – a famous white Pom featured in Vero Shaw’s book. Charley was shown every year until 1888. He was sold to Mr Boddington in 1887.
Fisher Mrs H – Whittington Hall Lichfield – Owner of Deverall’s Frisky prize-winner at Birmingham 1877 & featured in Illustrated London News December 1877
Fletcher Mr G – breeder of Mr Fawdrey’s famous Charley born 1876
Flint Mr M E – New Field House Uttoxeter - (1877) Exh of Prince born 1875
Franklin Mrs S E – St John’s Lodge Leamington Spa (1879) Exh of Fritz a black Pom imported around 1877 by Mrs Monck
Freshwater Mr F C – Vicarage Crescent Margate - (1884) Exh of Spitzer
Friedrichson Mr F – Pershore Street Birmingham (1885) Exh of Morley born 1883
Gardner Mrs – Arlington Street Glasgow - Owner of Carlo shown in Scotland between 1871- 73.
Garner Mr D – Croydon - Breeder of Mr Ranson’s Carlo shown at Islington and Cremorne in 1864
George Mr A – Middle Row Kensall Town London - Br/Exh of black Pom Zulu born 1879 by Black Prince ex Lulu.
Gilbert Mr of Birmingham – Exh of Fox born 1873 purchased from Mr Owen in 1876.
Gill Mr? – Owner of the unrecorded dog that sired Capt. Bailey’s Prince in 1869
Goas Mr C – Parkfield Street Manchester - (1877) Br/Exh - imported Black Prince from Mr A Seyfarth in Germany - others followed. Black Prince was later sold to Mr Thomas in Wales.
Golding Mr W – Sale Cheshire - Exh of Charlie in 1871
Gravett Mr G – Cambridge Terrace Eastbourne - Exh of Jack shown in 1881
Hahn Mr M – Exh of Moor a black Pom sold to Mr Manley by 1880
Hall Mr G – Paradise Street Birmingham - Exh of Nelly shown 1865- 1870
Hamilton Miss C A D – after 1887 Bannerdown House Batheaston. Breeder of Garda Booh Wooh in 1887. Owned and campaigned first two Pom champions and bred/owned numerous Poms (mostly white) up until her death in 1918 – her kennel name was Rozelle. In 1891, at the age of 29, she was elected as the first President of the Pomeranian Club.
Harrington Lord – Breeder of Fritz born 1869
Harris Miss Emma – Islington – Exh of Beatrix born 1886 shown at 1892 Crufts.
Harrison Mr W H – Highgate Street Birmingham - Exh of Lady in 1869
Hathaway Mr W – North Malvern - Br of Blanco first shown in 1863
Hayward Mr – Br/Exh - Owned Blue Boy (born 1884) until 1887. He was also the breeder of Smut II (Blue Boy - Smut), Princess Pom Pom (b. 1889) and many others.
Helway Mr – Glasgow - Owner of Spitz shown in 1873
Hervey Lieut. General & Mrs C – Torquay – Br/Exh - Owners of Mooskie a Volpino imported from Florence and Gee Gee the parents of Pan born in 1881.
Hogg Mr J – Mechanics Yard Darlington - Exh of Jib or Jip shown in 1874-75
Hookham Mr M – Mark Terrace Eastbourne - Owner of Mr Scott’s Don II born in 1873. Don was shown until 1881.
Hopkinson Mr – Westfield House Jarrow on Tyne - Owner of Snow in 1876 bred by Dr Whamond and later sold to Mr Brady of Jarrow.
Hotham W. – Owner of Prince born 1869 by Gill’s dog and Capt. Bailey’s Snowball - shown in early 70s.
Howlett Mr – Owner of Chesterton Prince in 1888 (pedigree and date of birth unknown) sold to Mr Lawrence and then to Mr Dyer who renamed him Lyons Charlie
Huhn Mr Woltomar – Islington London - Exh of black dog ‘Spitz’ born May 1877 in Germany – placed at Alexandra Palace dog show 1878.
Hunt Mrs L B – Br of Topsy exhibited by Mr Austin in 1876
Hunt Mrs W M – Amberley Road Sydenham - Br/Exh breeder of Zippho a black Pom born March 88 & owner of Dot (Fritz x Magna) the dam of Zippho.
Hussey Mr J – Cornwall Buildings Bath - Owner of Frisk born 1875
Hutchings Mr J – Gandy Street, Exeter – Br/Exh of Nubar - black dog born in 1883 (Morle - Dusky). Hutchings imported Barle (from Mr Siegel of Germany) and sold him in 1883 to author Vero Shaw (The Illustrated Book of The Dog).
Hutton Mr E – Columbarian House Pudsey - Br/Exh - Owner of Cock Robin a black
imported dog first shown 1878. Mr Hutton owned the first Pom champion Rob before he was sold to Miss Hamilton. His white Poms included Shirley (of Rozelle), Pegotty, Pow Wow, Cora and Ben Botherit.
Ireland Major – Oldham - Owner of Hans in 1880 a black dog once owned by Mr Goas
Izzet Mr George – Kemp Place Edinburgh - Exh of Albus shown in 1875
Judge Mr H –Br/Exh By 1884 he owned Greta whose daughter Magna lives on in the pedigree of most of today’s Poms.
Kay Mr J – Edenfield Bury Lancs - Br/Exh owner of Scoff shown in 1884 and breeder of Edenfield Snowdrop born 1889
Kennerley Mr – Owner of Floss the sire of Mr Bloor’s Floss in 1871
Kentish Mr W G – Lee Park Blackheath - Br Owner of Minnie the dam of white Pom Jacko born May 1876 (sire Couldery’s Frisk)
Kunkel Mr Rudolph – Alfred Street Islington - Br/Exh specialised in black and brown Poms. Earliest known Pom was Silky Prince born 1886 also owned Morle, Kitsey etc.
Langridge Mrs – Heathfield Bristol - Owner of Pop born 1874 shown in 1877
Laskie Mr – Hounslow Middlesex - Owner of Snap shown in 1863
Lawrence Mr CC – Old Chesterton Cambridge - Exh of Chesterton Prince a prize-winner in 1888 sold to Mr Dyer & renamed Lyons Charlie.
Lee Mrs Alice – Exh of Chip born 1884 last shown at 1894 Crufts valued at £10
Lender Mr F – Chapel House Beckenham – Br/Exh - his imported black dog Fritz was shown from 1874 to 76 – Fritz influential in most early lines of non-white Poms
Lindley Miss H – Mansfield Nottingham - Exh of Fritz born 1871 shown 1872 –73
Lorenz Miss Grace – Bread Street Birmingham – Exh of Charlie shown in 1866
Lynn Mrs G – Taswell Road Southsea - Br/Exh involved in Poms as of circa 1887. Her wolf shaded sable dog Ruffle born 1892 (Volpino/ German Spitz parents) was selected by Queen Victoria in 1895 as a stud dog for Fluffy and Gilda. Ruffle was later sold to Mrs Barnett, gained his Champion title (age 9!) in 1901 (following the Queen’s death) and was sold for a large sum to Mrs Frank Smythe in America – a founder of the American Pomeranian Club.
Machin Mr – Birmingham - Exh of Turk shown from 1873 to 1876
Mackillop Mr – Br of Coco born 1881 by his Poms Black Jack (purchased from Mr Vernon) and Mouse. Coco sold to Mrs Monck.
Maltzoff Prince – Br of Fritz shown by Mr Collins in 1864 & 64
Manley Mr – Lenton Sands Notts - Exh of Tony (Tory) shown in 1873- 1875
Manly Mr BC – Aberdeen Ho. Dublin (1880) - Exh of black dog Moor bred by Mr Hahn
Marshall Mr W - Montague Street Edinburgh - Exh of Carlo shown 1872 –73
Mayhew Mrs L – Montpelier Row Twickenham - Exh of Hermit born ‘73 shown in 1877
McMillen Mr– Garden Street Darlington - Exh of Billy imported from continent and shown in 1874
Mills Mr – Br/Exh - Owner of Fairy the dam of Rappaporte shown in 1869
Monck Mrs – Coley Park Reading – Br/Exh owner of Brio a black dog born in 1874 and winner of Cup for Best Black Pom Islington 1877. Importer of black Poms from Germany like Fritz born 1877. Mrs Monck was also noted for her Maltese.
Moore Mrs E S – Owner of Lynn a white dog born 1886 shown Crufts 1894 valued at 100gns.
Morgan Mr – Br of Flo II (Prince ex Lu Lu) born in 1886 and shown at Crufts 1892 by Mr Beard.
Nattras Mr – co-owner of Christmas shown in 1881 & 1884
Nevill Lady C – Owner of Albert who was the sire of Sambo born 1878.
Nichols Mr J – Kempsey Worcester - Owner of Dandy born 1873 shown 1875
Norman Miss C – Mistley Place Manningtree - Exh of Patrick born 1876. Patrick is
weighed about 35lbs and could be compared to a modern day Groß (Giant) Spitz.
Oldham Mr R – Thomas Street Manchester - Br/Exh owner of Charlie born 1866 and Tiney - the parents of Nero in 1872 and Snow in 1873.
Owen Mr D – Owner of Fox (Prince x Floss) born 1873 first place winner at Birmingham 1876 - later sold to Mr Gilbert.
Parker Mr – Breeder of Mrs Egerton’s Jim born 1888 by Guffy x Rose
Partridge Miss R. – White Ladies Drive Clifton – original owner of Prince born 1875 she sold him to Mr Flint.
Pemberton Mr C O – original owner of Mr Boddington’s dog Bounce born 1884
Perry Mr T – Owner of Floss dam of Fox whelped 1873 - sold to Mr Owen.
Petrzywalski Mr Chas. – Regent Street London – Owner of Spitzer shown in 1883 born May 1882. His imported black German dog Black Diamond was born June 1885, by Teuffele I - Nettchen, shown in 1887. Also owned Black Pearl (86) & General Dot (86) once shown in Stuttgart –all prominent black Poms of their day & under 10lb in weight. Exhibited Black Diamond II (Teuffele - Tips) at Crufts ’94.
Platt Mr – Werneth Park Oldham - Exh of Marco born Dec ’81. His KC Stud book Number 15789 appears on registrations by the KC of the Queen’s dogs sired by
her dog (Windsor) Marco – quite baffling!
Pontings Mrs – Owner of Tip sire of Lady Crystal born 1887
Prosser Mrs M E – Mt Pleasant House Upper Clapton - Exh of Joe – a white dog illustrated in Stonehenge’s books both in Britain & America as an example of the breed. In the American edition he is called a Spitz dog. 1st place winner in 1877. Mrs Prosser exhibited a white dog called Dudley at Crufts 1891.
St Quentin Mr – Hatley Park Cambridge - Exh of Guess shown in 1863
Ranson Mr C – The Strand London - Exh of Carlo shown 1864 & 65
Ratcliff Mrs – owner of Rose shown in 1873
Richards Mr T – Owner of Carlo the sire of Dandy born 1873 shown in 1875
Sampson Mr W – Church Street New Linton - Exh of Floss winner in 1873
Sanderson Mr – Owner and maybe breeder of Mr Hutton’s Shirley pre- 1887
Scott Mr – Br of Don II (1873) sold to Mrs Brown then to Mr Hookham shown until 1881.
Seyfarth Arthur – Kostriz Thuringia – noted German dog breeder and author – breeder of Black Peter in 1877 & Black Gem in 1878 - two black Poms imported & shown by Mr Goas. It is not known why Mr Goas claimed Mr Seyfarth lived in Pomerania when he registered Black Peter in 1877, however, it did sound interesting!
Sharman C – Islington - Exh of Rappaporte shown in 1869
Shaw Vero – a noted author and dog fancier. In 1883 he ought Barle (imported from Germany) from Mr Hutchings of Exeter. Cross/ref German breeder Mr Siegel
Siegel Herr M F – A dog breeder in Germany. In 1882 he bred Barle sold to Mr Hutchings of Exeter. After being shown twice in 1883 Barle was sold to famous author Vero Shaw. He also bred Mr Krehl’s Spitz of Spa 1891 by Fritzle ex Sadi. Author Ludwig Beckman recorded sizes etc of Herr Siegel’s Spitz dog ‘Mohrle’ at a Hamburg dog show late 1800s.
Simpson Miss Annie – Weston Rd Birmingham - Exh of Don born 1869 shown in 1871
Smith Miss – Selby - Exh of Robin bred by Mr George born 1880, probably a black Pom
Spencer Mr – Nottingham - Exh of Toby born 1872 shown in 1873
Speyer Mr E – The Falcons Denmark Hill London - Exh of Moor II shown in 1885
Steel Mr A – Bridge Street Kelso - Exh of Rufus bought from Mr Cook in 1876. Rufus was shown continually from 1873 to 1879 and won several 1st place prizes.
Sudden Mr R E – Alice Street Sunderland - Exh of Whiskey shown in 1876
Swinburne Mr TB – Darlington - Exh of Scoff shown 1880, 1883 & 1886
Taylor Mr – Exh of Scottie shown in 1872
Tealdi Mr – Bath Cottage New Hampton - owner of Fritz shown in 1869
Thomas Mr D P – Upland Cottage Pontypridd - Br/Exh purchased Mr Burgess’s Prince Charlie - shown 1881. In ‘81 he bought Mr Goas’ imported dog Black Peter. By May 1883 he bought Morle from Mr Bett. Morle’s offspring in lines of most Pom’s today. Rev. Dutton showed Mr Thomas’s dog Scatterbrains at Crufts 1897
Thornley Mr R – Birmingham - Exh of Alba shown in 1862. First Pomeranian listed in the 1st Kennel Club Stud Book (1874) – Alba’s registration number 3663.
Thurston Mr J H – Granville Lodge Ryde - Exh of Ruffy prize- winner 1874
Turner Mr T Lines – High St West Bromwich - Br/Exh of Floss born 1867
Twigg Mr F – Strangeways Manchester - Owner of Floss born 1871
Veitch Mr P C M – Fieldmont Exeter - Owner of Floss Adonis born July 1881
Vernon Mr R W – Shawford Winchester - Exh of imported black dog Black Jack (late Fritz) shown in 1880 then sold to Mr MacKillop.
Wagner Mr – Breeder of Morle in 1879 by Lender’s Fritz and his own Lady. Sold to Mr Betts – Morle is distant ancestor of almost all British bred Pomeranians.
Wakeman Mr – Owner of Prince the sire of Mr Perry’s Fox born in 1873
Walker Mr C – Post House Wynd Darlington - co-owner of Christmas shown 81, 84
Ward Mr H – East Bond Street Leicester - Exh of Toss born 1876 shown 1881&1883
Whamond Dr – Jarrow – Br/Exh - Blanco and LooLoo parents of Snow born 1873
White Mrs H– Br Owner of Gypsey (Gyp) dam of Miss Suwannee born 1887
Williams Mr J A – Edgebaston Birmingham - Owner of Blanco shown in 1863
Willoughby Mr – Owner of Ruff shown at Crystal Palace 1872
Wood Mr S – Thomas Street Manchester - Owner of Prince shown in 1872
Woodin Mr - breeder of ‘Pom’ born 1870 & owned by Mr Cathie shown in 1871
Woodroffe Mr G – Breeder of Monte a black dog born 1883 sired by Bett’s Morle
Woodward Mr G – Prince’s St St Ebbe’s Oxford – Exh of White Prince shown 1876
Wragge Mr – handler for Mr Dalby – he showed Topsy at Birmingham 1867
Wright Mr J MP – Breeder of the dam of Mr Beresford’s Don born 1869
Young Mr W H – Br of Dandy by Mr Richard’s Carlo x Young’s Floss pre-1875
Subtotal 1859 to 1887 … 170 people
1888- 1891
HRH Queen Victoria - Windsor kennel - Br/Exh In March 1888 the Queen acquired Gena (white with tinge of lemon), Beppo (pure white) and Lenda (Lina) in Florence they were all Italian or Florentine Spitz also called Volpino. Gena’s 1st place at Crufts 1891 was recorded in the KC Stud Book. Marco (also imported) a red sable born in 1888 was of German Spitz type. Marco weighed 12lbs and Gena 7.5lbs. Marco & Lenda were teamed up on 3 occasions and their offspring were Fluffy and Nino (born August 1889), Lula & Mina (born July 1891) and Alfio who was born in 1892. Beppo was bred to Fluffy and their daughter Gilda was born July 1891. Ch Ruffle (born 1892 but not titled until 1901) was selected as a sire for Gilda and Fluffy in 1895 – Gilda’s daughter Gilda II (May 28th 1895) was sold to Mr Smith and shown unsuccessfully at Crufts in 1896. Sadly Fluffy died in whelp along with her puppies. The Queen gave up showing her dogs after some died of distemper which she believed was brought back to her kennel from a dog show some weeks earlier. The Queen preferred the 6-12lb size of Pom. HRH Queen Elizabeth II now owns the Windsor kennel name.
Addis Mrs – Ivy House Aigburth – Br/Exh An original member of the Pomeranian Club founded in 1891 and the Hon. Secretary at the time of her resignation in 1897 - the year in which she gave up breeding Poms. In 1892 she acquired Kitsey from Mrs Thomas who proved to be an invaluable asset – she was the dam of Aigburth Queen (whose son the prolific Aigburth Prince was the grandfather of Ch Dragonfly), Ch Tina born 1894 (see Miss Depasse’s notes) and her litter sister Mrs Hick’s Viva.
Barker Mr G. – (1888) Br of Sheen by unknown sire x Violet
Batty Miss T M – Redville, Claughton, Birkenhead (1890) - Br/Exh of Duke by Hino ex Queenie
Bentley Mr T – Owner of Milnshaw Unique born 1894 by Mr Chell’s Duke - Puffie
Blackwood Mrs – Eaton Place London – Owner of Bettelman of Rozelle in 1895
Booth Mr R. – George Lane Stockport (1891) - Owner of Lill shown in 1891
Breedon Mr – Br. of Boss in 1889 exhibited by Mr Sampson in 1891.
Chapman Mr J – Br of Mrs Fenton’s Silver King born in 1890.
Chell Mr W. – Norfolk House, Belper Derbyshire – See earlier section
Comer Miss – Victoria Park Wavertree - Owner of fawn coloured Frau Liesel born 1892
Conyers Lady – Owner of stud dog Brownie sire of Miss Robson’s Puck 1892
Coombs Mr C – Darlington Villa Gloucester (1891) - Owner of Jersey Prince
Coombs Mr J W – Guildford Street Luton - Br of Jersey Prince born 1890 (Floss ex Rose) and many other white Poms
Day Mr C – Owner of Prince (sired by Coomb’s Floss) Prince sire of Mr J Coomb’s dog Snow Boy born 1892
Disney Mr – High Street Swindon (1889) - Owner of Bonnie Boy
Edey Mr G – Br of Prince Bismark (Snider x Allegro) a black dog born August 1889
Fenton Mrs A.S. – Br/Exh her Pomeranians included Silver King, Silver Prince, Silver Queen and Bijou 1890 – 1893 era.
Frankland Mr R M – Frizinghall Bradford (pre-1891) - Br of Trixie born 1892. His stud dog Twigge of Frizinghall (bred by Mr Chell) was the sire of Haughty Swell.
Goldschmidt Mr S H – Exh of Carlton Bruce shown at Crufts 1894 (not for sale) – probably imported see breeder Mr Schiffer.
Hale Mr M – Gloucester Mews Paddington London (1890) - Br/Exh bought Mr Hayward’s Princess Pom Pom born 1889 and later Mr Crang’s Bayswater Swell
Huggins Mr J – Eltofts, Thorner - owner of Nadgye dam of Venus born in 1889. Sire of Venus was Mr Peel’s Brum
Ireland Mrs – Breeder of Black Boy the first black champion Pom he was born June 1890 and bought, then shown, by Mrs E.J.Thomas - of imported ancestry & a very popular stud dog. Miss Ives felt his blue coloured descendants did not inherit CDA.
Kemp Mr C – Wyndham Mews London - Exh of black Pom Nana shown in 1888
Kliet Heer Kees van der – Haarlem Holland - the exhibitor (Crufts 1893) of Spits of Duinzicht a white dog bred by Herr Schmidt in 1888 (Spitz ex Elsa)
Lane Mr Charles – Downend Bristol - Owner of Leof a mismarked black shown by Mr Hutton, in 1891, Lutzow black born 1891 and Lyric white son of Otto of Rozelle. Mr Lane was the author of two popular books about dogs and also a respected judge.
Law Mr J – Br – owner of an influential white Pom Fido the dam of Rob II of Rozelle, Rex of Rozelle and his litter sister Regina of R. all born 1891
Leach Mr H – Br of Stella Feb 1892 by his bitch Vix. Stella sold to Miss Cresswell
Marples Mr Theo – Br/Exh -Founder of Our Dogs canine newspaper and first Hon Secretary of The Pomeranian Club in 1891- Miss Ives wrote he was the first fancier to show Miniature Pomeranians in the North of England. Poms bred by him as of 1892 include Black Boy II, his dam Judy and the famous blue Ch Chocolat (94) litter brother of Merryboy.
Marsh Mr – Owner of Peggie dam of black &white Pom Meggie sired by Blue Boy and first shown in 1892 by owner Mrs E J Thomas. Breeder of Harlequin Iky Mo (blue and white) in 1894 later exported to America.
Megson Mr AH – Fountain St. Manchester (1889) - Exh of Shirley. Miss Hamilton exhibited Shirley in 1889 & then bought him. Mr Megson was a noted breeder & exhibitor of Collies.
Morverley (or Mawley) Mr – recorded as owner of Nubian King in 1889 and 1892
North Hon Mrs – Br – Owner of Uncas the sire of a litter in 1889 with Tottie a black bitch, imported from Germany, belonging to King Edward VII (then Prince of Wales)
Peel Mr – Owner of Brum the sire Mr Hugging’s bitch Venus in 1889
Robson Miss C G – Onslow Gdns. London - Br/Exh owner of brown bitch Vixen, the dam of Puck, a chocolate born ’92 and –8lb chocolate Pixie ’96 sire of Coquette.
Sampson Mr F – Sutton Coldfield - Exh of Mr Breedon’s Boss born 1889 and shown at Birmingham in 1890 and Cruft’s in 1891.
Schiffer Mr H – Br of Carlton Bruce (Napoleon II x Bärhle) born May 1891
Schmidt Herr – breeder of Spits of Duinzicht Aug ’88 (Spitz x Else) Crufts 1893 – please see Herr M Schmidt 1892-1895 section probably same person.
Schraum Mr – Br of Creek Lola, blue born 1893 (Graf x Meisel) sold to Hon. Mrs Vivian – believe Mr Schraum was a German breeder.
Shepherd Mr W – Meadow Rd., S Lambeth – Exh of White Flossie shown in 1889.
Shore Mr J – Breeder of Lill born before 1891 by Mr Shore’s bitch Daisy
Thomas Mrs E J – Netley Road Southsea then Kensworth House Ealing Dean - Br/Exh of numerous top quality Poms mainly black, blue & chocolate. She titled the first black champion - Black Boy (born 1890) - and was the original importer/owner of Ch King Pippin. One of her foundation Poms was German bred Schatzel in 1888 purchased from Rev Dutton. She concentrated her efforts on the miniature size using imported stock from Germany – Lady Dinah born August 1891, a Black Boy daughter, weighed 3 ½ lb. Arguably the most influential breeder of the era. An original member of the Pomeranian Club and founding member of the Ladies Kennel Association in 1894.
Walmsley Mr – Br of Haughty Swell (Twigge of Frizinghall x Puffie) born in 1893. Puffie formerly owned by Mr Frankland
Waterlow Mr C H – Breeder of black bitch Vic in 1888 later sold to an American lawyer Frederick Halsey. Vic was shown in 1892 – see Halsey in 1892- 1896 list.
Winter Herbert – Hammersmith London – Exh of Snowflight shown at Crufts 1891
Wisden Mrs – Broadwater Sussex - Br/Exh purchased Gretchen, black, born 1890, from Mrs Gordon Lynn. Gretchen was the dam of Sweetheart (92) shown by Mrs Lynn. Mrs Wisden also owned Prince Ginger & Gretchen parents of Mrs Gordon Lynn’s Sambo (born 1892) shown at Crufts 1893.
1892-1896 inc.
Midgley Marsden – Br/Exh - His significance has been lost due to post WW1 editing of Miss Ives book Show Pomeranians (after her death) – perhaps this reflected anti-German sentiment and a desire to distance the breed from its German ancestry. This is what Miss Ives had to say about him. ‘A notable breeder, though a rare exhibitor, was Mr. Midgley Marsden, the all –round judge, and some fine winning dogs of various colours passed at times through his hands. He interested himself in Pomeranians as early as 1892, when judging at Munich. On his return journey, visiting Stuttgart and Mannheim, he purchased three specimens. Later on he made several more visits to the Continent, purchasing Pomeranians on each occasion, which found ready sale in England. He owned by Minnie, by Fritzkin ex Blanche, who proved a goldmine, and was the dam of many noted winners. For years Mr Marsden kept bringing forward good dogs which sold for high prices.’
Alexander Mr – Br of Bayswater Punch a black born 1894 by Nubian King ex Daisy
Auckland Lady – Edenthorpe Doncaster - Br/Exh breeder of Ram Jam black born 1895 by her dog Khama and Niffins. Owner of Mr Judge’s Miss Wiffins black born 1893 by Peter ex Bredna.
Bainbridge Mrs – Breeder of Cello in 1895 by Herr Graf of Rozelle - Tootie (92) This beautiful black Pom can be found in the early ancestry of many top Poms.
Mr Bazlen – Br of Mrs Thomas’s Prince Carlo born 1896 shown at Crufts 1897
Bentley Mr T of Accrington – Exh of Milnshaw Unique bred by Mr Frankland 1894
Bettison Rev A – Br of Montezuma 1893 a black by Jacko ex Duskie (aka Zoe)
Blackwood Mrs - Eaton Place, London – Exh of Bettelman of Rozelle in 1895.
Boseburger Mr – Owner in 1892 of Moole sired by Prince Fulio in 1890
Brunker Mrs H M E – Owner of Raven born in 1891 shown at Crufts 1892 bred by Mr Dupre. Raven’s littermate was Peri.
Bryant Mrs – Norman Road Kensington – Exh of Julien Queen born about 1893- black. Shown at Crufts 1895 – VHC – value £15
Capell Rev J M – Patenham Rectory, Stoney Stratford - Owner of Spitz of Pattenham (unplaced in Class 475 Crufts 1896) of unknown pedigree she was later sold at Crufts by auction for £2!! She was one of about 100 dogs sold off in this way including Khan owned by The Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia.
Cetti Mrs S H – Owner of Dudley Snow born 1895 shown in Birmingham 1896.
Chapman Mr – Br of Mrs Fenton’s Silver Queen born 1892.
Chell Miss H – Norfolk House Belper - Br/Exh Originally interested in larger white Poms after she acquired her father’s Belper Iveagh born 1894. Ch Belper Flossie born 1894 (Rob of Rozelle ex Rose) was the first of many Belper champs. Some of her toy black Poms were exported to the USA in the early 1900s.
Chetwynd Hon Mrs – Exh of Fritz von Homburg -8lb brown dog –all data unknown other than he was born in 1896. Homburg in S Germany is where King Edward VII (then Prince of Wales) acquired a small black Pom some years earlier.
Clare Miss Dorothy – Abbots Hayes Chester (1894) – Exh of Ch Chocolat a blue born 1894 by Blackboy ex Judy. Chocolat could be purchased at Crufts 1895 for 1000gns!
Clare Harcourt Mrs – see under Harcourt Clare
Clifford Mr W – Exh of Moor born 1892 shown at Crufts 1894
Clutterbuck Mrs Margaret H G – Combe Royal Bath – Exh of Lady Lollipop an under 7lb black born September 5th 1894 by Prince Ginger ex Spitz. Breeder Hon. Mrs Vivian. Lady Lollipop gained a VHC and was not for sale Crufts 1896.
Cockburn Miss Lilian – Exh of Dandelion in 1896 over 6lb exhibited at LKA shows
Cockburn Mr C – Sutton Scarsdale Chesterfield (1894) - Exh of white Pom Cora shown 1892 - 1895
Coleman Miss C – Exh of ‘Pomme’ born June 1894 by Dick - Topsy. Unplaced at Crufts 1895 valued at £52.10s
Coleman Mr T H – Bryn Edwyn Wrexham (1894) - Owner of Bijou bred by Mrs Fenton
Cooper Miss H – The Kennels Colton nr Leeds – Exh of Kees black -7lb dog born March 1893 valued at £20 Crufts 1895
Coupe Benjamin – Exh of Mr Duckworth’s Richmond Major (Ch Brilliant ex Queen of Diamonds) born 1894 a winner at Liverpool 1896.
Croyden Mr Sydney – Exh of Simple Simon (Snap Jack – Sapajou) bred by Miss Cresswell in 1894 and other white Poms.
Cresswell Mr Francis – Br - relative of Miss Cresswell entered Lika Joko (white Pom) born in 1893 at Crufts 1894. Lika Joko was bred by Mrs E. Merrill.
Currie E. L. – Exh of Miss Kew, a Ch Black Boy daughter bred by Mr Woods.
Day Mrs M – Co-owner with C. Houlker of Ch Black Prince bred by Mr Patterson in 1895. Popular stud dog later sold for a record price as a pet.
Dearsley Miss E – Sarafield Road Balham – Exh of Gretchen II born March 1893 a black -7lb bitch by Morle x Dame Minka – breeder Hon. Mrs Vivian.
Depass Miss A of Hyde Park London – Owner of Ch Tina bred by Mrs Addis in 1894 (Bayswater Swell – Kitsey) – debuting at Crufts 1895 Tina could be purchased for £50 -she wasn’t sold and after an amazing winning streak soon gained her title.
Duckworth Mr – Cotton Street Accrington (1893) - original owner of Koh-I-Noor – he showed him at Crufts 1894 valued at £1000! He was bought by Miss Hamilton and offered for sale by her a few years later for £12 – nobody purchased him.
Duleep-Singh H. H. Princess Sophie – Exh – The beautiful owner of Joseph a black 9lb dog bred by Mrs Lynn in 1895 (Ch Black Boy – Zoe) and other black Poms. The Princess also exhibited Borzois at shows in England and France.
Dupré Mr and Mrs – (1892) Br of Peri black Pom born 1891 by Rajah ex Coo Coo
Durand Mr – Breeder of – 8lb black dog Cocodes (Rocco – Olivette) in 1895. He was re-named Clayton Masher then shown by Mrs McClellan.
Durling Mr George – Exh of Dot -7lb shown Crufts 1894 by Nubian Swell ex Zulia.
Durling Mr Robert – Birch Cottage Bushey Heath – Br of Dot born 1893 and Tinymites in 1894
Dyer Mr F S – Stourton Court Stourbridge - Exh of Lyons Charlie shown in 1892. As Chesterton Prince ‘Charlie’ was shown in 1888 by Mr Howlett. It was common at one time to rename a dog and name changes were usually noted in KC Stud Books if the dog was shown.
Egerton Mrs P H – Br/Exh of Mr Parker’s Jim (1888) – the sire of Judy (1895) out of Mrs Egerton’s bitch Fancy.
Fachiri Miss – Purchased Aigburth Beauty from Mrs Addis in 1896.
Fielding A – Exh of Mr Shuttleworth’s white dog Blackburn Perfection born in 1892.
Foster Hon. Mrs R J – Clayton nr Bradford – Br/Exh first show dog Queensbury Pippin a black dog born 20/12/1893 by King Pippin - Bunchie bred by Mrs Housman. An LKA member
Fryer Mr J L – Elvaston Mews London (1893) - Owner of Queeney a dark blue born 1891 by Blue Boy ex Rosa. Queeney was bred by Mr Mundon and was a full sister, by an earlier litter, of Lady Lela owned by Mrs E J Thomas.
George Mr S – Breeder of fawn Pom Regimental Jack (Bounce - Rose) born 1894
Gilchrist Miss E M – Br/Exh of Rudolph, dark slate in colour by Merry Boy ex Spitz II. He was born in 1895 and show as of 1896.
Grove Mrs C – 65 Curzon Street Mayfair – Exh of Little Jack -7lb black dog born September 1893 – shown at Crufts in 1895
Hall-Walker Mrs – Gateacre kennel – Br/Exh - commenced showing in 1896 with Dainty Boy, King Pippin and Trixie Girl – Dainty Boy and King Pippin soon gained their titles. Mrs Hall Walker (Lady Wavertree) an attractive, intelligent lady very wealthy and well connected. In the course of her travels she bought Pomeranians from Germany and Italy. Some of her dogs were painted by Maud Earl. Her husband Col. William Hall-Walker, devotee of Thoroughbred horses and horse racing, gifted their beautiful home in Tully, Ireland in 1916 and it is now The National Stud of Ireland.
Halsey Mr & Mrs F – Tuxedo Park Tuxedo USA (1892) - Owner of black bitch Vic born 1888 by Black Boy ex Molly (Molly by Morle - Dusky)
Harcourt Clare Mrs – Birkenhead - Owner of first place winner Little Snowflake shown at Crufts 1896 bred by Mrs Merrill. Another of her dogs at the show Mite (black born 1894 bred by Mr Marples) by Blackboy ex Judy was valued at 1000gns in the catalogue.
Harris Mr C R – Brondesbury House, Willesden Lane London - Exh of Little Gretchen bred by Mr Betts in 1891 shown Crufts 1894. He was also a Chow Chow breeder (Prince Ching etc)
Harvey (or Hervey) Mr A – Breeder of Snow Snowson born 1892
Harvey Mrs - Battersea Pk Road, London – Exh of Lord Pomboy shown Crufts 1892
Dr and Mrs C Harvey – Bird in Bush Rd. London - Br/Exh bred Ch Prairie King in 1894 a lovely small sable by Bayswater Swell ex Queenie. Mrs Harvey’s kennel name was Prairie.
Haskins Mr A J – Bristol- Exh of Rolliker of Rozelle as of 1892
Henn Mr F – 20 Merton Road Kensington – Exh of Black Boy’s Son born Sept. 1894 Valued at 15gns Crufts 1895
Holdsworth Willoughby – Owner of Black Boy II shown in 1896.
Horden Mr W H – Ferndale Priory Road Hornsey – Exh of Prince unplaced Crufts 1895
Hicks Mrs G M – Montpelier House Blackheath – Br/Exh - Owner of Viva bred by Mrs Addis the black litter sister of Ch Tina born 1894. Mrs Hicks bought Kitsey from Mrs Addis a significant dual purpose bitch found in many pedigrees. Later a 3lb black Pom bred by Mrs Hicks was sold to a society lady and featured in a well- known portrait. Author Charles Lane said of Mr Hicks ‘I am not sure (Mr Hicks) has ever been particularly doggie’- notwithstanding this comment Hicks was the Hon Secretary of The Pom Club circa 1896 – 1908. Mr Hicks was the author of ‘The Pomeranian’ published in 1906.
Hobbs Mr – Br of The Chieftain (Leyswood Jack) blk (1894) owned by Mrs Thomas.
Horne Mrs E – Br of –5lb Mischief (Bayswater Swell - Mistress Lulu) in 1895
Houseman Mrs R F – Kearside Lancaster – Owner of Gipsey Queen blk., born 1894 by Mr Crang’s Nubian Swell ex Lady Daisy
Housman Mrs F – breeder of Queensbury Pippin in 1893 – owned by the Hon. Mrs Foster.
Houlker Mr C – Avenue Parade Accrington - Br/Exh - owner of Haughty Swell in 1894. He owned Mr Patterson’s Black Prince valued at 1000gns in 1897 and after gaining his title was sold as a pet for a record breaking £250.
Hughes Mr J – Steyne View House Bognor - Owner of Blackman born 1893
Ives Miss Lilla – Stockport, Blackpool, Devon – Br/Exh Foundation Pom ‘Mousely’ bought in 1895 (Merry Boy ex Spitz II) a blue +8lb bitch. Miss Ives’ famous blue Poms included Queen of the Blues, Blue Jacket, Blue Bertie and Ch Boy Blue. She also owned Ch Dragonfly (1904). The first President of North of England Pomeranian Club founded 1898, author of Show Pomeranians in 1911plus two revisions and writer for Our Dogs newspaper. She was an astute businesswoman and made a very good living acquiring quality Poms for export to America – her book also gives the selling price of numerous Poms up to 1918. Miss Ives died in Devon in 1922.
Jenkins Mrs – Breeder of Mrs Weideman’s Una’s Kaffir (Bayswater Swell ex Una) in 1895
Johnson Mr G C – Exh of Punch a black dog born in 1893 by Prince Ginger ex Squaw – breeder Miss Stott - campaigned in 1896 with some success.
Krehl Mr G – Hanover Square London - owner of Spitz of Spa an imported
black dog born May 1891 (Fritzle ex Sadi). Mr Krehl was editor of The Stock -Keeper and also visited the Queen’s kennel in 1892.
Linklater Mrs A – Commercial Road London – Exh of Mr George’s Regimental Jack
Liford Mr – Br of Mrs Hales -8lb black Bayswater Madge born 1896 (Fritz – Zoe)
Long Mrs Hume – Owner of Fay II, a blue, sired by Nubian King and a chocolate coloured German import Kleingretel bred by Herr Weifurt in 1894.
Lonsdale Miss J – Exh of white dog called Cit shown at Cruft’s 1893
Lynn Mr J – Br of black bitch Jane 1892 (Mrs Dupre’s Frisk ex owner’s Lissell)
MacCann Professor J H – owner of Concertina bred by Miss Tempest – shown at Crufts 1895.
Manuelles Miss M – Queen’s Gate London - Exh of black bitch Miss Bogie bred by Mr Crang in 1890 (Nubian King ex Hiyya sometimes recorded as Hizza)
Marples Miss – Exh daughter of Theo Marples and owner of his dog Merryboy born in 1894 by Ch Blackboy – Judy. Merryboy was first shown in 1896.
McClellan Mrs A B – Clayton Bradford – Br/Exh - Clayton Contrast and Clayton Masher shown 1896 – her kennel name was Clayton.
Merrill Mrs E – Br - cousin of Miss Cresswell and the breeder of some of her Poms – for example Little Snowflake (95) and Sybil (93) - both by Unser Fritz ex Fluffy
Morris Mr F J – Hill House, Sutton, Isle of Ely – Br of Duke of York born 1893 by Ch Rob of Rozelle ex Lady Ida – shown at Crufts 1894 value £20
Moore Mr C H – St Marks Road, Lower Sydenham – Exh of Twinkle born 1892
Moore Mr J R – Exh of Dot a white Pom shown at Crufts 1894
Mundon Mr & Mrs W – Chelsea London - Br/Exh owners of black Pom Carl and breeder of Mrs Thomas’s black Lady Lela born 1892 & Fryer’s Queeney (91) both by Blue Boy x Mundon’s Rosa, a Nubian King daughter.
Norman Mr F G – Battersdean Road Highbury – Exh of Hector shown Crufts 1895
Patterson Mr C – Breeder of Ch Black Prince (owned by Day & Houlker) born 1895
by Carl ex Lady Bluey. He was shown in –8lb classes. Valued at Crufts 1894 - £25, Crufts 1897 – 1000gns and finally sold as a pet for £250.
Pettit Mrs E A – Owner of Ch Prairie King (Bayswater Swell – Queenie) bred by Mr Harvey in 1894. By 1897 he was valued at £105 in show catalogues.
Purgold Mr George – Exh of Mrs Harvey’s Cherry Blossom born 1895 (King Pippin – Belle) valued at £100 Crufts 1897.
Rogmans Heer A – Keizersgracht Amsterdam – Exh of Othello a black Pom brought
to England for exhibition at Crufts 1894 – bred by Mr Stattgart in Jan 1892. Othello won classes at shows in Brussels and Rotterdam in 93 and 94.
St. Lo Malet Mrs – Exh of black dog King Khama – all pedigree details unknown.
Sanders Mr E – Mildmay Grove London – Exh of Lady Kees born July 4th 1894.
Schmidt Herr M – Br of Othello a black dog born Jan 1893 by Mörchen x Bärle
Schutte Herr K S – 137 Heerengracht Amsterdam – Exh of Mr Schmidt’s Othello shown Crufts 1895 valued at £60. Won several first places at shows in Europe.
Sergeant Mr WHH – Exh of +8lb White Laddie born 1894 (Ben Botherit – Annie) bred by Mr Hutton and valued at 12 gns Crufts 97.
Shuttleworth T – Br of Blackburn Perfection in 1892 (Tiny ex Winny).
Smith Mr S – Werndee Hall, S Norwood – Exh – the only person known to have bought a Pomeranian bred by Queen Victoria. He was the owner of Gilda II born May 28th 1895 – by Ruffle ex Gilda. Gilda II was unplaced in Class 479 and valued at £15.15s.
Stattgart Herr – Breeder of Mr Rogmans’ Othello (from Holland) born 1892
Steele Mr F – Bloomsbury St London – Exh of Buff shown in 1892
Stone Miss – Exh of Boscoe bred by Mr Judge born 1890 shown in 1892
Stott Miss M V – Belle Vue Road Leeds – Br/Exh debuted in 1895 with a black Pom called Jane and a white called Trissie
Strang Miss E – Exh of Bohemian Boy a black Pom born in 1894 shown in 1896.
Swaffield Mrs Owen – Br of Mr T in 1894 by Prince of Orange ex Trapolla
Tempest Miss M – Br of Prof MacCann’s Concertina born 1892 (Master Jack – Minnie)
Temple Mrs W R – Carlisle Mansions London – Br/Exh of Leyswood Blackie, born 1895 by Ch Black Boy ex Marie
Thomas L – Exh of Nubian Sam (Nubian King ex Hizza) born 1892 shown in 1896.
Thomas Miss Violet – Lucknow Lodge Hanwell – Exh of black & white Nawab bred by Mr Marsh in 1894 sired by Prince Bismarck. Nawab was probably litter brother of blue & white Harlequin Iky Mo. Miss Thomas was the daughter of Mrs E J Thomas.
Thompson Mrs E – Exh of King Cocky shown at Crufts 1893
Toon & Symonds – Fitzwilliam St Sheffield – Owners of Sheen born 1890 shown in 1892. They exhibited terriers at Westminster, N York in 1892 and later (1894) Toon, in partnership with Mr Thomas, won a 2nd place prize at the14th Annual Westminster Show with Sheffield Lad a Pomeranian.
Tulley Mr J – Exh of Bogie born 1895, no pedigree data. Shown at Crufts ’97 NFS
Vallance Mrs Lucy – Br/Exh - Breeder of Nonpareil born 1895 (Bayswater Swell ex Bebe) shown at Crufts ‘96. In 1892 she bought black bitch Niminy Piminy (Nubian Prince - Tips) and she also owned Montezuma (black) bred by Rev Bettison in 1893.
Vivian Hon Mrs – Creek House Bray – Br/Exh Creek kennel. Her foundation blue bitch Creek Lola, of German ancestry, was bred by Mr Schraum in 1893 (Graf x Meisel).
Wagstaff Mrs – Wakering Road Barking – Exh of Cora II born July 1893 sired by Pow Wow. Breeder Mr Hutton. Shown Crufts 1895 listed as not for sale.
Walker Hall Mrs – see details under Hall –Walker.
Ware Mrs C E – Iddesleigh Exeter – Owner of Sapphire born 1893 bred by Mrs Merrill. Sapphire was the litter sister of Miss Cresswell’s Sybil.
Warner Mrs J H – Northallerton – Br/Exh - Her imported white Pom ‘Polichinel’ shown in ’92. Mrs Warner also exhibited Yorkies, Maltese imported from Germany and crossbred toy dogs in a special class at Crufts 1892. I suspect she exhibited some Seidenspitz.
Watson Mr J H – Exh of +8lbs Spitz born 1894 – no pedigree data. Crufts 1897
Watts Mr J – Br of Hillgate Prince a white (by Strad ex Floss) born 1894 sold to Mr J Wilkinson.
Wearing Mrs – Wavertree Liverpool - Br/ Exh - The owner of Herr Hans born 1892 & also of Squib and Cracker - the first recorded cases of Colour Dilution Alopecia affecting blue Poms (see article about this on this web site)
Weideman Mrs F J – Exh of Una’s Kaffir b. 1895 (Bayswater Swell- Una) and Kaffir’s Bogey b 1896 (Nubian King – Princess May) – shown at Crufts 1897
Weifurt Herr – German dog breeder of Mrs Hume Long’s Kleingretel in 1894.
Welsby Mrs T – Hampden Rd. Southport – Owner of Mr Hutton’s Cora II wh., born 1893 (Pow Wow II ex Lady Betsey)
Whitbread Mr J – Northumberland Park Tottenham – Exh of Moncar – shown at Crufts 1896 – unplaced and valued at £25
Whittle Mr J R – Hayes – Exh of white bitch Blanche of Hayes shown in 1892
Wilkinson Mr J – Shawcross St Southport – Exh of Mr Watt’s Hillgate Prince in 1894
Williams Mrs L – Exh of Vanilla over 8lb born 1896 VHC winner Crufts 1897
Wood Mr G – Br/Exh He was the breeder of Mr Currie’s Miss Kew in 1892 (Black Boy ex Allegro). At Crufts 1894 he exhibited Prince Bismark – not for sale – but later exported him to America.
Notes: This directory was compiled from The Calendar and Stud Books of the Kennel Club, show records of the era including those found in the Ladies Kennel Journal and various other sources. * I would like to thank Brigitte Sovonja of Chips Pomeranians, Germany for her invaluable information about 19th century dog breeding in the Mannheim region of Germany and enlightening me about Dr. R von Uhden called the ‘primus inter pares’ of German Spitz breeding and other notable German breeders.
Recommended reading:
The Kennel Club: A History and Record of Its Work by Edward W. Jacquet 1905
Mr Jacquet was the Secretary of the Kennel Club for many years.
The Pomeranian by G.M. Hicks M.A. 1906 – Interesting views about early breed history but clearly in awe of Mr Kilburn Scott and his theories.
The Popular Pomeranian by Mrs E Parker 1928 1st Edition – Mrs Parker was the Hon. Secretary of The Pomeranian Club for many years. Breeder of the famous orange dog Ch Mars and several blue Pomeranians. Her work suffered to some degree from editing and re-writing by Miss Wilson (Dara) for the 2nd and final edition.
These books can be read on-line or downloaded:
Dog Shows and Doggy People by Charles Lane 1902
Toy Dogs and Their Ancestors by Hon Mrs Lytton (Lady Wentworth) 1911 – A personal favourite of mine with an excellent account of breed history
Show Pomeranians by Lilla Ives 1911 also recommend 2nd & 3rd edition. The 4th edition – heavily edited by Mrs Thomson (Lochryan) – omits important information about breed development but unfortunately left untouched Ives’ account of pre-KC era history - the only weak point in an otherwise good read. Ives incorrectly claimed the KC provided classes for Poms in 1871 after recognising the breed in 1870 (three years before the KC existed) – followed by some extraordinary (and unsubstantiated) views about the origin of the breed and the effects of change of climate on size.