Pomeranian Dogs - Lost – Found – For Sale – 1770 – 1915
by Vivienne Peterson. Copyright May 2017.
Classified ads offer a real insight into the actual state of a breed. Clearly those who strayed or were stolen represent a small percentage of existing dogs at any one time but from their descriptions we learn there was a variety of size and colour – including a small black and tan Pomeranian dog in 1782. Health conditions include partial baldness, possible patella issues & convulsions. One dog in 1799 had ‘cropt’ ears and this unnecessary procedure also took place in southern Germany around this time. Terminology varied through the decades - initially called Pomeranian or Fox Dog then by the mid- 1850s Pomeranian or Spitz dog or German Spitz Dog or even Pomeranian Spitz Dog. Clearly these terms were interchangeable. Spelling variations of the term Pomeranian are as found in original adverts.
Apart from directly importing the breed they could be purchased from commercial dog sellers, auction houses, hobbyist breeders and later on via dog shows and breed fanciers. In the back of early Crufts catalogues you will find Auction Classes. An advert from 1899 placed by the Secretary of the Edinburgh dog Show offered Pomeranian puppies for sale.
It should be pointed out there was no technical way of describing a black and tan dog for any breed for most of the Georgian era.
The main colour –black- was followed by a description of where the fawn or brown markings could be found. The earliest advert for a lost ‘black and tan’ (schwarzbraun) Spitz in Germany dates from 1755 – see History of Black & Tan page
So many of the black dogs had white markings this led to a bit of satire in ‘Punch’ in 1909 –
“Lost black Pomeranian dog, white on breast, three paws, and round mouth” Daily News
We should know it anywhere says “Punch”.
1770 Newcastle Courant – Lost – a white, long haired, POMERANIAN DOG. He has a head resembling that of a Fox, short pointed ears; a large tail, and answers to the name of LOUP. Whoever will bring him to the Printer of this paper, shall receive a handsome reward; and any Person wilfully detaining him, will upon discovery, be prosecuted for the same.
1774 Northampton Mercury –Lost at Northampton on Wednesday Morning – A large White FOX DOG; he answers to the Name of Wolf, is old, and has a convulsive Motion in his Head. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Clark’s, in Gold Street, Northampton, shall receive TWO GUINEAS … No greater Reward will be Offered.
1774 Caledonian Mercury – Lost – A Long-hair’d WHITE DOG OF THE POMERANIAN Kind, belonging to General Lockhart of Carnwarth. Whoever brings the same to Thomas Borthwick porter at Bristo House, Bristo-port, shall receive a GUINEA reward.
[Bristo Port is in the old area of Edinburgh nearby is the Greyfriar’s Bobby statue]
1774 Ipswich Journal – Lost on Sunday the Twenty-ninth of May, between the Hours of Seven and Eight in the Evening, on the Corn-Hill Ipswich. A Large White POMERANIAN DOG, whoever has heard of the above Dog, and will give any Information to the Printer of this paper where he may be had again, shall be rewarded for their Trouble. N.B. He is supposed to have been led out of Town by a Servant in a brown Livery, & mounted on a grey Horse.
1776 Saunders News-letter Dublin [Nov 7th] – Strayed from a Gentleman’s Carriage, a black Coach Dog of the Pomeranian Breed, with a Brass Collar locked about his neck, on which are engraved the Name and Place of Abode of the Owner. Whoever rings him to Mr Kiernan’s, No. 36 Marlborough-street, shall be rewarded; and it is requested that if he has followed any Gentleman’s Carriage, he will be kind enough to have him returned as above.
A week later the dog was still missing and the reward offered was now one Crown.
1778 Bath Chronicle –Lost from Mrs A. Legh’s in Gay-street, on Monday 20th of April, A POMERANIAN FOX DOG of yellowish white colour; has a scald on one side; answers to the name of Mungo. – Whoever will bring it to Mrs A. Legh’s, shall receive Half a Guinea reward. The last time it was seen was on the Bristol-street. No greater reward will be offered.
[British diarist and author Mrs Piozzi lived at No. 8 Gay Street in 1781 and Jane Austen lived at No. 5 in 1805]
1782 Reading Mercury – Lost on the 30th of July, between Hertford-bridge and Hartley-row Turnpike, - A Little BLACK POMERANEAN DOG, answering to the name of Fox; his legs and chest are fawn colour, with a mark of the same over each eye, and on the back part of his neck he has a white tuft. – Whoever brings him to Mr Demezy’s at Hartfordbridge, shall have half a guinea reward.
* This dog is a black and tan. Mr Demezy was the proprietor of the White Lion Coaching Inn. For Jane Austen fans - she stopped there briefly in 1796.
*Juliet described below is also black and tan but may not have been a Pom. Pompey is either a repatriated Fox Dog hence American or Mr Davis was told a tall story when he bought him.

1783 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – Lost or Strayed – From No. 44 Fishamble –street, the 6th inst., a remarkable small American Fox Lap-Dog, ruff about the Neck, the left Leg lame, answers to the Name of Pompey. Whoever brings said Dog to No. 44, shall be handsomely rewarded. Likewise lost from said House, on the 3rd of June last, a little black Bitch, with brown Spots between the Eyes, legs the same, answers to the Name of Juliet. Had on same Time, a Brass Collar, engraved with the name “J. Davis, Liverpool, 1782.” Whoever brings said Bitch to No 44 shall be handsomely rewarded.
[Fishamble Street is within the old city walls of Dublin and famed for being the location of the first performance of Handel’s Messiah]
1783 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – LOST on Saturday evening last, from Carter’s China Shop in Grafton Street, A FOX DOG, answers to the Name of Colonel, whoever brings him to the above Place, shall receive one Guinea Reward. No greater Reward will be offered.
1784 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – STRAYED – A YOUNG, white FOX-DOG that answers to the name of PADDY. Whoever will be so obliging as to bring him to No. 4, Kildare Street, shall be liberally rewarded.
1785 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – WANTED – To breed out of by one Kamtschatka Dog, a large Bitch of the POMERANIAN OR FOX DOG Breed, as far as three or five Guineas will be given. No Bitch suspected to be stolen will be received. Inquire at No.13, Holles Street, Merrion Square.
1785 Saunders Dublin – Strayed from No. 9, in Frederick Street, on Saturday Morning the 12th [March] instant, a Mouse-coloured POMERANIAN DOG with grey Tail. Whoever brings him as above shall receive a Crown Reward.
1785 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – A Dog Lost – Strayed from the Door of Mr Burge, No. 14 Queen-street, this morning about eight o’clock, a young Dog about three Months old, of the FOX or POMERANIAN Breed, quite white. Half a Guinea Reward will be given on returning him as above, and no Questions asked. He answers to the Name of “SANCHO” – no greater reward offered. N.B. it is hoped if he is offered for Sale that he will be stopped, and any Expence attending the sending him back shall be thankfully paid. Queen- street, Sunday October 2 1785
1786 Reading Mercury – A FOX DOG LOST – A reddish colour short hair’d FOX DOG lost from the Bath coach at Speenhamland …. Has a white stroke down his face, and a white mark round his neck, curls his tail very much over his back, under his tail is white, and part of his fore feet white, carries his ears quite fierce, answers to Prince, and is sometimes lame of his hind foot. Five shillings reward and all reasonable expenses paid – Mr Carter No. 18 New Bond Street London or Printer of this Paper. N.B. Whoever detains the above dog after seeing this advertisement shall be dealt with according to the law.
** This dog matches German descriptions of a Fuchs Spitz. Dog must have a patella issue!
1786 The Times London [May] LOST – a large, white POMERANIAN DOG answers to the name of “Fox;” has a remarkable fine Coat and Tail. Whoever will bring him to Messrs. Byfield and Co, Stationers, Charing -cross, or to Mrs Castle, No. 2 New-street, Spring Gardens shall receive Two Guineas Reward.
Although the term German Spitz or Spitz dog is not frequently used until the mid-1800s from this point it is not uncommon for a dog’s call name to be “Spitz”.
1796 Reading Mercury [Jan] – Run away from Wm. Poyntz’s esq; at Midgham House, Berks, early on Saturday morning the 16th instant, - A LARGE WHITE POMERANIAN DOG answers to the name of SPITZ. Reward one Guinea – The dog had no collar on, but is marked on one side by the hair being off.
[William Poyntz 1734-1809 – his daughter Georgina was involved in a great scandal in 1786. Midgham House is set in a beautiful country estate]
1799 Reading Mercury [Oct] – Stolen or Strayed, from Pangbourn, on the 25th of September, a large DOG of the POMERANIAN breed. Of yellowish white colour, long hair, cropt ears, and a long bushy tail, answers to the name of Towler: whoever shall bring him to the Right Hon. Lord Amelius Beauclerk’s, in Pangbourn shall be handsomely rewarded. Any person who shall detain the said Dog will be prosecuted according to the law.
Please see Lost Dogs- Germany for more examples of ear cropping at this time. Lord Beauclerk (1771-1846) son of the Duke of St Albans, was a naval officer eventually a Rear Admiral. Beauclerc Peak and Amelius Island Alaska named in his honour.
1806 Morning Advertiser – Lost, from No 22, North Audley-street, yesterday morning, before twelve o’clock, a White POMERANIAN DOG, very lately clipped entirely down to the point of his tail, having had the mange, no long hair left but about his head – had on an old black collar, the plate blackened. “Miss Berry Strawberry Hill” – One Guinea reward offered.
1806 Morning Advertiser – strayed from a Gentleman walking last Thursday night, in Oxford- street crossing to Bond- street, about six o’clock, a White FOX DOG, with long hair, answers to the name of “Spitz.” Whoever has found, and will bring him to No 45, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, shall receive HALF-A-GUINEA reward.
1827 The Morning Post – G THYM respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry, that he has just arrived from High Germany with a choice collection of the above birds (Piping Bullfinches) and … he has also a pair of particularly small POMERANIAN Dogs, which need only be seen to be admired; they are singularly rare and beautiful. To be seen at No. 63 Chandos-street, Covent- garden – a private house, on the first floor.
1838 The Morning Post –For Sale – Pomeranian or German Spits [sic] … George White’s Menagerie, Knightsbridge, London.
1841 The Morning Post [August] – TWO GUINEAS REWARD- LOST on Wednesday the 25th inst., near the Green park, between four and five o’clock, a small WHITE POMERANIAN DOG. Answers to the name “Fidele” – whoever will bring the same to Mr Roberts, 16 Gower-street North, Bedford Square, without delay, shall receive the above reward.
[In the neighbourhood Charles Darwin & family at 12 Upper Gower St. Noteworthy Italians - politician Giuseppi Mazzini, poet Giovanni Ruffini and his brother 187 N Gower]
1841 The Morning Post [Dec 21]– Christmas Present – To Ladies and Gentlemen – The advertiser who is about to leave the country, has to dispose of one of that rare breed known as the POMERANIAN FOX DOG. He is young, docile, and small, accustomed to the carriage and drawing room, a perfect pet, and one of the handsomest ever seen. Apply to Mr Charles Morrison, White Hart, Walham Green, Fulham. – Omnibuses from the City and Charing-cross every ten minutes.
1841 Salisbury and Winchester Journal – A small RED FOX-DOG was lost from Greatbridge near Romsey, which answers to the name of “Fox.” One Sovereign Reward the Crier Romsey.
1845 Morning Advertiser – ONE POUND REWARD - LOST on Monday evening, October 13th, near Mother Redcap, Camden Town, a WHITE FOX DOG, with a bushy tail, answers to the name of “Spitz”. Reward – 10, Camden-road Villas, Camden Town.
1846 Saunders Newsletter Dublin 15 January– FOR SALE – To Ladies desirous of procuring a rare, valuable, and truly beautiful Lap Dog – To be sold at DYCERS, Repository, on Saturday next, at two o’clock, an already reared litter of that truly beautiful and valuable animal, the POMERANIAN FOX DOG. This rare breed is unequalled for its beauty, docility, and attachment. The Puppies now offered for unreserved sale are all snow white, most beautifully formed, having hair that rivals in softness and beauty the finest silk. This breed of Dogs is rendered more desirable from their great aptitude to learn tricks, and being comparatively free from distemper, and other canine diseases. R HARRIS Auctioneer
Alternative name German Spitz Dog or Spitz Dog now appears in classified ads.
1846 – Morning Advertiser – Two Guineas Reward – Lost in the neighbourhood of Berners-street, Oxford-street, a Yellow GERMAN SPITZ DOG, answers to the name of Chancy. Whoever will bring the same to 29, Albermarle-street, Hawkin’s Hotel will receive reward.
1853 Saunders Newsletter Dublin - January – Ten Shillings Reward – Strayed from Bray, on the 6th instant, a White POMERANIAN OR GERMAN SPITZ DOG. Whoever will bring same to 25 College-green shall receive the above reward.
One week later –
1853 Saunders Newsletter –Strayed on Tuesday 6th instant from hear Bray, a GERMAN SPITZ DOG. Answers to the name of Spitz; has very long white hair; small light brown ears, and mark similar in colour on its sides; sharp Fox’s head; black eyes, and tail curling over the back. Whoever brings the same to 25 College- green, Dublin, or the Police at Bray, will receive Ten Shillings Reward.
1853 The Morning Post –Lost in Bond Street- A BLACK SPITZ OR FOX DOG. Answers to the name of Beppo. £1 reward if returned to 30 Eaton Place or Long’s Hotel.
1855 York Gazette - One Pound Reward –Lost, on the 27th February last, between Thrintoft and Longton, a White GERMAN SPITZ DOG, with Long Silky hair. Reward of one Sovereign to whoever brings the same to Ainderby Hall, near Northallerton.
[William Armitage had a well-known Stud Farm at this location. His stallion Velocipede, a St Leger winner, is the ancestor of many great racehorses.]
1857 – Morning Advertiser – Dog Lost – Two Guineas Reward – in Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, a Fox-coloured GERMAN SPITZ FOX-DOG eight years old. Anyone taking the same to Mr W Taylor, 1 Suffolk Place, Manning-street, shall receive reward.
1857 The Scotsman [December]- LOST at Roslin Station, on Saturday, from Peebles Train. A LARGE WHITE POMERANIAN DOG. Hair wavy long and thick – Ears pale brown. Answers to the name of Gletscher*. Any one bringing the same to 16 Inverleith Place; or giving any informationwhich may lead to his recovery, will be handsomely Rewarded. *Gletscher means Glacier.
This is not the only example of alleged Pomeranian/Fox hybrids.
1857 The Morning Post – One pound reward – Lost from Rutland-gate – a White Bitch, cross between Pomeranian and Fox, has small pale yellow ears and a spot of similar colour on the back concealed by the curl of the tail; answers to the name of Snowy, will bark when told to 2say please” also “beg” – 15 Rutland-gate.
1858 – Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Lost in Barker-pool, a small DRAB POMERANIAN DOG. Had on collar without name- answers to the Name of “Loo” – finder will be rewarded –
1859 - Liverpool Daily Post – One Sovereign Reward – Lost between Kensington Street and Fairfield a small long-haired POMERANIAN DOG colour white with fawn ears.
1859 – Saunders news-letter - Lost from N. 1 Monkstown Crescent Salthill a White Pomeranian Poodle Dog about four years old answers to the name of “Fisky”. The dog is well-known in the neighbourhood of Monkstown and Dublin. One pound reward.
1860 Leicester Journal – Lost A black POMERANIAN DOG with a head like a Fox, answers to the name MORO, strayed from South Croxton on 7th November. One pound reward if restored to Mr Ward of S Croxton or Mr Boyer Bell Hotel or Mr Watson George Hotel Melton Mowbray.
1861 Bath Chronicle – For Sale – A Thoroughbred Pomeranian or Spitz Dog
1861 Morning Advertiser – Lost from Brighton. Two pound reward – a yellowish red-haired POMERANIAN DOG , very like a Fox, with a black mouth, and one forepaw slightly larger than the other; answers to the name of BOCKY – had on, when lost, a blue leather collar and bells. Reward – 5 Manchester- square London or 5 Lansdowne-place, Brighton
1862 North Wales Chronicle – Lost – A WHITE POMERANIAN OR SPITZ DOG, with sharp nose and ears. Ten shillings Reward will be given to such person as will bring him to the Police Station, at Llafechell, Bodedern, or Holyhead.

1863 The Scotsman [December] – Lost, a BITCH of the SPITZ Breed. Colour White, Eyes Black, Hair Long and Tail curled over the back. A handsome Reward will be given to the Finder; and anyone found detaining it after this notice will be prosecuted. Apply at No. 39 Melville Street.
1863 – Bell’s Life in London –For Sale - a very handsome White, small Pomeranian Dog J.W. Guppy, 2 Prince’s Court, Pall Mall.
1863 Launceston Weekly News [June] -Prosecution of two men who conspired to obtain £5 from Mr Harrington Balfour for the restoration of a black Spitz or Pomeranian Dog – lost on 14th May recovered & reward paid. Then the dog went missing again reward £2 offered by “H Balfour Esq Arthur’s Club”- as per name on dog’s collar. Men went to his home at Belgrave-street saying for £5 they could show him a person who owned a dog of this description.
[Mr Balfour of Camberely and Nice (France) was the grandfather of Baron Harold H. Balfour -WWI flying ace, successful politician - instrumental in the creation of Heathrow.]
Below - Lost - found - lost – found again – dog theft or a serial wanderer in Woolmet?
1863 The Scotsman 3rd February – on Friday last, a small White Pomeranian Dog – reward Woolmet House.
1863 The Scotsman 24th July – Lost, on Wednesday last, near Dalkeith, a small white Pomeranian Dog. Anyone who brings the dog to Woolmet Ho. Edmonstone will be rewarded.
1863 The Scotsman March 13th – Lost, a SMALL POMERANIAN DOG. Hair white and long name “Franco” – reward Mr Tait, Baker, Rose Street.
1864 The Scotsman 6th February – Strayed from WOOLMET, on Th. morning, a White Pomeranian Dog with feathery tail curled upon his back – reward Tait, 100 Rose Street
1864 The Scotsman 13th September – Strayed from Woolmet, on Sunday, a small White Pomeranian Dog. Was seen on the Dalkeith Road following two gentlemen. Reward Mr Tait, Baker, Rose Street.
1864 Saunders Newsletter Dublin – DOG LOST- TWO POUNDS REWARD – Lost on Wednesday Evening, June 15th, about p.m., in Merrion Square, corner of Lower Mount-street, a White Pomeranian or Spitz Dog with tan ears, and a tan spot on right side under the tail, which is bushy, and curled up over the back. Has the hair cut off, and a spot on the throat. Answers to the Name of “Bob.” Whoever brings him to 25 Merrion Square, South, will receive the above reward.
1865 Birmingham Daily Gazette – Five shillings Reward – Lost a white Russian Pomeranian FOX DOG – George Rider Upper Thomas Street, Aston
Could this be the same dog with a new breed description?
1866 Birmingham Daily Gazette – Lost from Upper Thomas Street, Aston, on December 13th, a POMERANIAN FOX DOG. Whoever will bring the same to Mr George Rider, Upper Thomas Street shall receive Five shillings Reward.
1866 Birmingham Daily Gazette – FOR SALE – a small white Pomeranian Dog, very handsome – 74 Moseley Street
1868 The Scotsman – Ladies -A handsome Thoroughbred Pomeranian Dog for Sale. To be seen at Kerr’s Stables, Rose Street, where full particulars may be had.
1869 The Scotsman – Pomeranian puppy Lost, yesterday, in St Andrews Square, with Brass Collar. Whoever returns he same to R.F. Moncur, 9 Ingleston Street will be rewarded.
1869 Birmingham Gazette – Found a large POMERANIAN DOG. If not claimed in Seven Days will be Sold – 25 Well Street
1869 Birmingham Gazette – Lost on Sunday evening, a small cream coloured Bitch [half Pomeranian] – Reward on returning the same to The Hermitage, Hagley Road.
1869 – Western Daily Press -Found a small Pomeranian Dog. 32 College Green Bristol
1869 – Staffordshire Advertiser – Lost in Tunstall – a small White POMERANIAN DOG answers to the name of “Floss”- reward at Mr Adams, Ironmonger, Tunstall
1869 - Birmingham Daily Gazette – Lost – small White Pomeranian Dog answers to the name of “Rover” reward – Mr J Harford 334, Pershore Road.
1869 – Clerkenwall News – Lost near Sadler’s Wells Theatre, a small White POMERANIAN DOG; answers to the name of “Nero” – reward 20 shillings – Mr Smithson 59 Leather Lane Holborn.
1870 Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Lost – a White Pomeranian FOX DOG about 10 inches high long hair and very bushy tail. Answers to the name of “Charlie.” Reward Mr Lewis, Victoria Station. Last seen in the neighbourhood of Darnal.
1870 Cambridge Chronicle - Lost in Cambridge – a small POMERANIAN DOG, buff coloured with bushy tail and small head –ten shillings reward will be given by owner.
1871 Birmingham Daily Gazette - To be sold a Pair of splendid White Pomeranian Dogs [Male and Female]. Dog has taken many prizes. Apply Mr William Turner, Boot and Slipper Inn, Smethwick.
Note - The Kennel Club founded April 1873. Information on the KC web site that the Pomeranian was first introduced to the UK in 1870 is incorrect.
1873 The Scotsman – Puppies [Pomeranian Fox Dog] for Sale. Little Beauties. Pure White. Parties wishing to purchase, Address No 5691 Scotsman Office
1874 – The Irish Times – Dogs For Sale - … one of smallest fancy Skye Toy Terriers that can be had in Ireland – 2 pounds a weight with very long silky hair; also a jet black Pomeranian Dog, very small … 3 Upper Buckingham St Dublin
1875 The Scotsman – Dog [White Pomeranian] – Lost in Lockerbie on the 16th inst. Reward will be given on his being returned, or any information sent Jardine Hall, Lockerbie.
1877 The Scotsman – For Sale – Pomeranian Dog pure white and others Dundas Street
1878 – The Irish Times – DOGS FOR SALE ….. small Pug Dog and Bitch with jet black muzzles; a pure white Pomeranian Dog, very small; …. 3 Upper Buckingham St Dublin
1878 – Nottingham Journal – Lost – small white Pomeranian Dog with brown spot on back – Reward 51 Denman Street Radford.
1880 – Glasgow Evening Post – Lost from Beaconsfield, Kelvinside, small, White Pomeranian Dog. Newly clipped; slight scar on back. Answers to name of “Fido” 10s reward.
1882 The Scotsman- For Sale - Dog [Pure Pomeranian] Grand specimen, 18 months, Perfectly trained to house. £3 – Simpson, 22 Lauriston Street.
1884 The Western Times – Found a small WHITE DOG [Pomeranian breed ] Bond’s Cottage Chumleigh.
1885 Gloucester Citizen – Lost between Highnam and Gloucester on Monday the 4th, a WHITE SPITZ DOG, answers to the name of “Graf” – reward - Highnam Court
[Highnam Court is magnificent Grade I country house. Graf was owned by the Gambier-Parry family.]
1886 The Morning Post – Five Pound Reward – Lost – on Saturday evening may 8, in Piccadilly, a small Black POMERANIAN SPITZ DOG – reward – Hall Porter White’s Club, St James-street W.
1891 – Dublin Daily Express – Lost – small Black, Pomeranian Dog answering to the name Poots. Reward will be given – 20 Hatch Street
1894 The Scotsman – handsome black Pomeranian Dog for sale – Messrs Eagles, 69 George Street
1894 The Morning Post – Two Pound Reward – Lost on Saturday the 12th October, a Light Brown ITALIAN SPITZ DOG
(answers to the name of “Chow”) with white streak down face and white breast. For reward - Egerton- gardens SW
1898 The Scotsman – For Sale; a beautiful thoroughbred blue toy Pomeranian bitch, cobby and in lovely coat; age three months; pedigree price 9gns. Mrs Stewart, Inverness Kilchrenan.
1898 Western Morning News – Wanted well- bred young SPITZ or POMERANIAN DOG.
1899 The Scotsman – For Sale - prize Pomeranian Puppies, also Dachshund dog [winner]; catalogued only 3 gns each. Apply Secretary, Dog show Edinburgh or Frew, Cupar.
1899 The Scotsman – Pomeranian [black] wanted stud service of toy for champion bred bitch. Waverley, 14Argyle Crescent, Joppa.
1902 Belfast News-letter –Lost - on Friday evening, SPITZ DOG, black, white breast; called “Pondo.” Reward at Bannaborka, Sans Souci Park.
1903 The Scotsman – WANTED – toy Pomeranian dog puppy, black, over distemper; good pedigree; about 6 months old; trained to house; weight 5lb or less; approval. Captain Armitage, The Grange, North Berwick
1903 Burnley Express – Lost, a large black Pomeranian Dog; 4 white feet and white breast. Contact Police.
1905 The Scotsman – For Sale, beautiful pedigree toy Pomeranian Puppies, three black and one brown; four Guineas each. Mrs Stewart, Scroba, Oban. [Mrs Stewart often sold puppies here’s a sample of some other ads 1906 - beautiful pedigree black toy Pomeranian puppy male; not a white hair; two months £5; also tiny pedigree brown toy Pomeranian bitch, two months, £4 or both £8. 1909 - black toy Pomeranian female long pedigree 3 months, £3 beauty. 1909 - two lovely small black toy Pomeranian puppies male and female, aged 2 ½ months, long pedigree, female £3 3s – male £4 4s.
1905 The Scotsman – For Sale - Blue toy Pomeranian dog puppy, prize-bred; six months; Apply by letter Miss Eden-Wilson, Knowle House, Scarborough
1913 The Scotsman – Dog (small black toy Pomeranian) lost on Saturday afternoon, near Craiglockhart; answers to name of “Dido”; red collar. Reward 25 Shandon Crescent.
1915 Falkirk Herald – July - Lost on Sunday, 18th inst., at Larbert, Black POMERANIAN DOG; answers to “Fussy” bare on one side. – Apply Alexander, Cycle Agent, Camelon.
1915 Falkirk Herald – July – Strayed from church Cottage, Larbert, on 16th, Black and Tan POMERANIAN DOG – finder return to above address.
1916 Liverpool Echo – Lost – Large, Black Pomeranian Dog; white mouth. Reward - 63 Brookdale Road, Sefton Park.
1929 Nottingham Journal – Lost, large white Pomeranian Dog, answers to the name of Peggy. Handsome reward will be given if returned to Lady Bowden, Bestwood Lodge, Arnold. [Large White Pomeranian Dog name of “Teddy” advertised lost the day before.]
[Bestwood Lodge, in Nottinghamshire, is now a hotel. Lady Bowden was the Californian wife of Frank Bowden the founder of the world famous Raleigh bicycles.]